Unity Launcher

27 January 2019 Shell Linux Code snippet

Globally in

$ cd /usr/share/applications

Locally in

Custom “.desktop” files place (recommended)

$ cd ~/.local/share/applications

If you want to add a custom launcher, create it in ~/.local/share/applications, make it executable, drag and drop it on the launcher*, and finally pin it (right-click on the launcher item → Keep In Launcher).
  • Opening it using Nautilus doesn’t seem to do the trick.

Example how a “.desktop” file built up (eg.: Pingendo)

[Desktop Entry] Name=Pingendo Comment= Exec=”/home/mateDocuments/Pingendo/Pingendo-4.2.2-x86_64.AppImage” %U Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=appimagekit-Pingendo StartupWMClass=Pingendo X-AppImage-Version= Categories=Utility; X-AppImage-BuildId=1Fl4UVqXCNwb4dkIXRBhAfP683V X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.23 X-AppImage-Comment=Generated by /tmp/.mount_PingendoXQF7zZ/AppRun TryExec=/home/mate/Documents/Pingendo/Pingendo-4.2.2-x86_64.AppImage