Docker commands cheat sheet

05 January 2022 Docker Web


list running containers

$ docker ps

list running and stopped containers

$ docker ps -a

list the logs from a running container

$ docker logs [CONTAINER]

list low-level information on an object

$ docker inspect [OBJECT_NAME/ID]

list real time events from a container

$ docker events [CONTAINER]

show port (or specific) mapping from a container

$ Docker port [CONTAINER]

show running processes in a container

$ docker top [CONTAINER]

show live resource usage statistics of containers

$ docker stats [CONTAINER]

show changes to files (or directories) on a filesystem

$ docker diff [CONTAINER]

show all locally stored images

$ docker images ls 

show history of an images

$ docker history[IMAGE]

Start & Stop

start a container

$ docker start [CONTAINER]

stop a running container

$ docker stop [CONTAINER]

stop a running container and start it up again

$ docker restart [CONTAINER]

pause processes in a running container

$ docker pause [CONTAINER]

unpause processes in a container

$ docker unpause [CONTAINER]

block a container until other containers stop

$ docker wait [CONTAINER]

kill a container by sending SIGKILL to a running container

$ docker kill [CONTAINER]

attach local standard input, output and error streams to a running container

$ docker attach [CONTAINER]

Image lifecycle

create an iamge from a Dockerfile

$ docker build [URL]

build an iamge from a Dockerfile and tags it

$ docker build -t [URL]

pull an image from a registry

$ docker pull [IMAGE]

push an image to a registry

$ docker push [IMAGE]

create an image from a tarball

$ docker import [URL/FILE]

create an image from a container

$ docker commit [CONTAINER] [NEW_IMAGE_NAME]

remove an image

$ docker rmi [IMAGE]

load an image from a tar archieve as stdin

$ docker load [TAR_FILE/STDIN_FILE]

save an image to a tar archieve stream to stdout with all parent layers, tags and versions

$ docker save [IMAGE] > [TAR_FILE]

Container lifecycle

create a container without starting it

$ docker create [IMAGE]

rename a container


crate and start a container

$ docker run [IMAGE]

remove a container after it stops

$ docker run --rm [IMAGE]

start a container and keep it running

$ docker run -td [IMAGE]

create, start the container and run a command in it

$ docker run -it [IMAGE]

create, start the container and run a command in it; after executing the container is removed

$ docker run -it -rm [IMAGE]

delete a container if it is not running

$ docker rm [COTNAINER]

update the configuration of a container

$ docker update [CONTAINER]


list networks

$ docker network ls

remove one or more networks

$ docker network rm [NETWORK]

show information on one or more networks

$ docker network inspect [NETWORK]

connect to a container to a network

$ docker network connect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER]

disconnect a container from a network

$ docker network disconnect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER]


Add database inside docker into another container

$ docker exec -i sample_mysql_1 mysql -uroot -proott juve-waw < /home/matepc/Downloads/sample.sql
$ docker exec -ti sample_web_1 bash
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker login --username deploy