Back-Casting Workshop

05 February 2019 Wordpress Envienta

Back-Casting Workshop

Envienta and the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary together held an event both personally and online. The purpose of this was to find the answers and the know-hows about the self-sustainable living. How a society could living in a world of consensus. How the future society or communities could live together based on agreement(s).

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These topics are super interesting. So, we were eager to came up an “universal” solution for this. It’s like an exercise for the next level of living. It is holding the consequences as well, to cut off the exists circumstances or already known economical rules about the living. It is require a new mindset of course to do so. In fact some of the parts are not based on real life or known solutions. Even we are talking about a new community or a view of life how should live and growth, we should consider ourselves about the reality.

Let’s say 80% of reality and 20% of “visions”. This is the ratio roughly which draw the line and we call it “balance”.

Don’t get us wrong. This isn’t another task meeting exercise, more like a method how we could finding or searching different methods, how we could see the “problem(s)” from a different angle. That’s the name it’s came from – Back-casting. We set a future date and imagined things around, how the world should look like from our view (personally). Then we collected these thought and ideas and everything and wrote it down. The following steps were to “stepping back to the nowadays” year by year. How we could implement these while keeping in mind the reality. So, it’s like the mentioned 20% above slowly will turn into the rest 80%.

It’s a really good method. Actually the totally the opposite way when you are struggle to make steps ahead of your future plans. Do it in a back-casting technique and you will know what is missing from your plan or view even if your plan or goal is not real or exists yet – or you are sure about it is not fit into our world (yet). Imagination is very important here, to keeping in mind that the future is full of new things which are not exists in the present, therefore we should open our mind to think like this (in the present) already.

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